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Flatirons Private Investigations was recently asked to contribute to an article for Colorado’s Premier Injury Law Firm, Tenge Law Firm, located in Fort Collins Colorado.

View the Full Article Here.


“In a personal injury civil trial, the burden of proof relies on you and your attorney. Therefore it is necessary when considering filing a lawsuit to start building on the preponderance of evidence early–and this is where the need for a private investigator comes in. To give you an idea, we asked some of the best Private Investigators in the country: How Can A Private Investigator Help Build Your Personal Injury Case?”


“A seasoned private investigator, like an experienced attorney, knows the questions to ask witnesses to determine or establish liability for either side of the case. Private Investigators are experts at piecing together small bits of information to present the larger picture for the benefit of your personal injury clients. Finally, our relationships with local police agencies, state offices, and hospitals ensure that we have swift access to the essential evidence your client needs to make their case successful.” – Kyle Strunk – Flatirons Private Investigations


Personal Injury Investigations

Surveillance – Our experts will set up a plan and goal to collect all facts in your personal injury investigation.  Our investigators will verify addresses and other information to make sure you have the most update information on the subject of your investigation.  Our investigative planning and preparation helps our clients save time and money and get the most of their investigation.  Using our time tested process, our professional surveillance investigators will be fully prepared before conducting surveillance in your personal injury investigation.

Statements – Our trained and experienced investigators will be able to secure detailed and thorough statements from the injured person and witnesses.  Our investigative statements will be supplied to you in a written report and can be recorded if needed.  Witness statements establish a record.  It has been proven that collecting statements can assist in your personal injury investigation and in court.

Scene Documentation – It is crucial to document the scene of the accident.  Our investigation and scene documentation could establish third party responsibility or information that was not disclosed by the injured.